Hamon standing in front of a neutral background wearing a black mandarin top with flowers embroidered on it. Her brown hair is shoulder length. She is wearing green earrings that touch her shoulders and bright red lipstick.

Publishing in a Pandemic by MacKenzie Hamon

Publishing in a Pandemic By MacKenzie Hamon I was first asked to write this article back in February, which feels simultaneously like the eight months it’s been, but also like several years, or just yesterday. Ask me what I thought the future…
The troupe from the Saskatchewan Arts organization Listen to Dis on stage accepting applause from the audience.

Shaping the Stage by Kelsey Culbert

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Shaping the Stage By Kelsey Culbert Art, in all its forms, is a powerful thing. It can change people’s lives in many different ways; it certainly changed mine. It allowed me to be involved in a career that is often overlooked as an option…

Some Thoughts on Reconciliation and Canada 150 by Michel Boutin

I’d like you to look at your feet. What are they touching? Is it earth, maybe wood? Most likely it is some form of laminate, polyester carpeting or concrete. How far do you actually have to go to touch the ground?For Indigenous people land…

Worth More Than the Minimum

I am often reminded of how fortunate Canadian artists are to labour under our status quo; that is, a national fee schedule that articulates appropriate payment standards. In other national contexts, artists aren’t protected by a framework…

Learning Inside-Out by Krista Solheim

I am a dancer, choreographer, body worker and teacher.  I am inspired by the uniqueness of how a single body moves through this world, the literal container for all that an individual has collected and accumulated over time, the physical and…

The Flare Stack and the Dragon

I moved to Kyoto from Regina to take care of my spiritual and psychological health while broadening my knowledge of Japanese culture and history. As someone who tries to make poems, I also wanted to expand the creative potential of my art. And…

The Creative Power of Photographic Art: Finding My Passion

Art is the most valued thing in the world...it is the expression of the highest form of human energy, the creative power nearest to the divine. The power is within - the question is how to reach it. Arthur Wesley Dow It’s the creative…

Guaranteed Annual Income for Artists? For All?

Guaranteed Annual Income for Artists and Writers? For All? (Note: the term Artist includes Writer in this article. In most legislation. Writers, though, do not always recognize themselves as Artists. So for you writers out there, you are…

Getting Paid for Your Art: The Challenges (and Rewards) of Creating Art Across Disciplines, Media, and Technology

If you get paid to do something, you’re a professional.   ‚ÄãIt sounds like the punchline to a dirty joke or something scrolled across a bad motivational poster. But it’s also a discussion point when it comes to art. Where…

What you‚ are erasing when you‚ are appropriating: A personal narrative

It wasn’t until my early twenties that I was able to take pride in my Indigenous ancestry. This was no fault of my hard-working mother, who for the most part, raised us during her resilient pursuit of post-secondary education. A product of…

Universities and Artists: The Funding Games

In October of 2016, I graduated from my Masters of Fine Arts in Writing at the University of Saskatchewan. At our graduation, I stood backstage with my MFA friends. Lined up next to us were the Masters of Accounting graduates, in almost uniform…

Art for the Heart Supports Emotional Healing

“Art changes people and people change the world” – John Butler When I first came to work with Family Service Regina I took an immediate interest in their Art for the Heart program. The program is dedicated to supporting those…

I used to think Simon Cowell was cruel

I used to think Simon Cowell was cruel.  Now that I’m a music producer, I've cut the man some slack.As a music producer working in a medium-sized Canadian city, I get to record my fair share of “talent.” Singers who cannot carry a…

The Importance of Scalable, Responsive Funding for Arts Organizations

I am the co-founder of a relatively new arts organization in Saskatchewan. In 2010, while studying printmaking at the University of Regina, I co-founded the city’s only publicly accessible printmaking studio, Articulate Ink. Articulate Ink…

Up In The Air by Carle Steel

In the air, I think about selling the building, about moving to Toronto, where the lines between art, business and life are not so clearly drawn.Carle Steel is a writer, journalist and arts administrator. She has worked for many years in the…

Into the Future Wild: Taking Charge of Change

This picture provides insights into the system’s current health and longer term sustainability and, in particular, the capacity of artists to adapt to challenges and changes from inside and outside the system. Mary…

Bring Out Your Dead! (Better yet, bring out your artists)

(Opinion piece by Kelley Jo Burke, SAA president, but trust me…this is just from me…..)I have a friend who’s one of the true Eeyores of the world…gloomy by nature, and proud of it. So when the new year began with the dollar plunging…

Making space for Saskatoon artists: artSpace eyes the bus barns

Saskatoon has a thriving, vibrant arts community, but it's missing purpose-built, dedicated makerspace, and artSpace aims to change that. Ashleigh Mattern is a Saskatoon-based writer, editor, and entrepreneur. She has been working…