SAA Summary: Statistics Canada’s quarterly report for national culture & sport indicators
Advocacy, Arts Spending + Policy, News, Quick Facts, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsAt the beginning of January, The Daily, the media outlet for Statistics Canada released their quarterly report for national culture & sport indicators. This report documents recent changes in GDP & jobs in the culture & sport industries.…

Arts Everywhere: Episode Fifteen
Advocacy, Arts Spending + Policy, NewsDecoding the Complexities of Arts Funding with Jeremy Morgan
With a wealth of experience under his belt, this episodes guest, Jeremy Morgan gives us an insider's perspective on the growth and development of major arts and heritage organizations.…

Labour Market Study of the Cultural Workforce
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsDespite the higher levels of education, employment income among cultural occupations tends to be lower than for the Canadian labour force overall.

Aging in Place
Arts Innovation, Arts Spending + Policy, Quality of Life, Studies & FactsThis policy paper prepared by Heritage Saskatchewan in June, 2019 highlights the importance of age-friendly communities that develop comprehensive practices on aging.

The Arts Work
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsInfographic that states the economic contribution of the arts in Saskatchewan and Canada

SAA Research Memo on Canadas Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators, 2016 (estimates)
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsCanadas Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators, 2016 (estimates) and revised 2010-to-2014 provincial and territorial culture indicators.

Fine Arts and Arts Education Resources at Saskatchewan Universities 2018 Update
Arts Education, Arts Spending + Policy, SAA Reports, Studies & FactsThis report documents changes in fine arts and arts education resources in the province's universities from approximately 2001 to 2017. It updates and complements the SAA's similar reports of 2015 and 2014.

Provincial Arts Expenditures (2004 – 2012)
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsAn analysis of the provincial government's spending on the arts.

Impact of the Film Employment Tax Credit (FETC) on the Film and Video Industry of Saskatchewan.
Artists in Saskatchewan, Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsA study commissioned by Sask Film and the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce to determine the actual sector value and net cost to government of the Film Employment Tax Credit (FETC) cut in the 2012 Provincial Budget

Provincial Government Spending on the Arts and Culture in Saskatchewan in 09/10
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsThis report examines provincial government investment in the arts and culture in Saskatchewan, with comparisons to other provinces.

Provincial Government Spending on the Arts and Culture in Saskatchewan in 08/09
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsThis report examines provincial government investment in the arts and culture in Saskatchewan, with comparisons to other provinces.

Provincial government spending on the arts and culture in Sask. in 2007-2008
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsThis report examines provincial government investment in the arts and culture in Saskatchewan, with comparisons to other provinces.

Table 1
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsProvincial / territorial spending on culture by category (in thousands of dollars)

Table 2
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsProvincial / territorial per capita spending on culture by category (in thousands of dollars)

Table 3
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsRanking of provincial per capita spending on culture by category

Provincial government spending on the arts and culture
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsThis report examines provincial government investment in the arts and culture in Saskatchewan, with comparisons to other provinces.

A Brief History of Status of the Artist in Canada
Arts Spending + Policy, SAA Reports, Status of the Artist, Studies & FactsUpdated April 2008

Re: Final Report of Minister’s Advisory Committee on Status of the Artist (MACSA)
Arts Spending + Policy, Studies & FactsThis is a response from the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance to the third MACSA report, which is a document with a list of recommendations, for policy and other areas, to improve artists working conditions in Saskatchewan.