Professional Photographers of Canada



In 1946, commercial and press photographers in Ontario formed an organization which was granted a federal charter and became the Commercial and Press Photographers Association of Canada (CAPPAC). On October 30, 1962, the name was changed to Professional Photographers of Canada Inc. (PPOC) to reflect the nationwide nature of the membership. On September 22, 1969, delegates representing Provincial Associations drew up a new charter forming the Professional Photographers of Canada 1970 Incorporated.

This organization was formed to establish a strong national identity for all those involved in the photographic industry. Officers and one voting delegate from each Constituent Association.

The new Federal organization was to:

  • provide unity;
  • speak for the photographic profession when dealing with legal matters, government agencies, or legislation;
  • share the same rules regulating print show competitions, presentations of merits, awards, and professional recognition;
  • to publish a professional magazine in order to provide national communication to its members.