PACT Professional Association of Canadian Theatres


PACT is the collective voice of professional Canadian theatres, a leader in the national performing arts community, and a devoted advocate for the value of live performance. Since 1969 PACT has focused on providing a community where theatre practitioners (both artistic and administrative) can come together to discuss important issues of the day and work together to create innovative solutions.

Since its creation PACT has evolved into a responsive organization, cognizant of the needs of our members and offering programs and services that benefit our community such as the Human Resources in Canadian Theatre, and our annual Professional Development programs.

PACT is a member-driven organization of professional Canadian theatres which serves as the collective voice of its members. For the betterment of Canadian theatre, PACT provides leadership, national representation and a variety of programs and practical assistance to member companies, enabling members to do their own creative work.

PACT believes that:

  • Theatre makes an essential contribution to Canadian life on every level – social and economic
  • The experience of theatre should be readily accessible to Canadians
  • Theatre companies should be as diverse as the Canadian society they reflect
  • People who work in the theatre are professionals who deserve supportive working environments – structured enough to provide security, but flexible enough to encourage creativity, afford risk and accommodate change.