Call For Nominations – 2023-24 – SAA Board of Directors

A group of four people sit around a table with a laptop, notebooks, pens and a coffee in a planning meeting

Are you passionate about the arts in Saskatchewan? 

Do you believe in advocating for the arts and cultivating a province where the arts and artists are supported and valued as essential to a complete and healthy society? Are you interested in developing more connections with artists and arts administrators from throughout the province?

If so, you might be keen on contributing as a member of the Board of Directors for the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance (SAA). Kindly complete and submit the nomination form by September 17, 2023.

Curious to learn more about the SAA and the role of a potential board member? Refer to the SAA Board of Directors Info Sheet for comprehensive details.

The 2023-2024 Board of Directors election will take place during the Annual General Meeting (AGM), scheduled on September 27, 2023, and held online via Zoom.

Nomination Submission Deadline: September 17, 2023

A roster of candidates will be compiled and shared with all SAA members before the AGM on September 27, 2023.

Formatting and Accessibility Support: If you require any assistance in completing the online nomination form or need any other accessibility accommodations, please reach out to Em Ironstar at

For any inquiries regarding the nomination process or details about the SAA Board of Directors, feel free to contact: