Michele Sereda Artist Residency in Socially-engaged Practice


University of Regina

Michele Sereda Artist Residency in Socially-engaged Practice

Brief Description of the Residency

The Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance (MAP), in collaboration with Kinesiology and Health Studies, is seeking an Indigenous artist to fill a 4-month residency, commencing in January 2019, to explore the integration of art, physical movement and health: specifically, notions of mobility, stasis, embodiment, passage and well-being are central to this call for interest.

This residency was established in memory of Michele Sereda who died in 2015. Sereda was a multidisciplinary artist who explored social issues that touched on intercultural dialogue and creation.

Critical aspects of the Sereda Residency are: 1) its commitment to engage with the broader community; 2) its commitment to place an artist, over time, in each Faculty of the University in order to underscore the inherent value of the arts in all disciplines and walks of life; and 3) to disseminate the results of the residency within the community both on and off campus. Furthermore, we believe that a vital part of the residency is to expose students to professional artists with a strong track record of high calibre work in their discipline(s) and whose work is embedded in community through socially aware and engaged practice.

MAP takes up the terms of Sereda’s creative energy in offering an artist residency for a professional artist interested in exploring socially-engaged practice and community interaction in a supportive academic environment for a period of 4 months. The residency aims to create engagements between artists, University units and their students, and community organizations around socially relevant issues.  In this Call, we are looking for an artist and/or writer who works at the intersection of movement, art practice and wellbeing from an Indigenous worldview. For more information, click here.