AFC (The Actors Fund of Canada)


The AFC is the lifeline for Canada’s entertainment industry. Over 10,000 professional members of the industry from all over Canada and in the fields of film & TV, theatre, music and dance have been helped by the Fund, which provides emergency financial aid to assist cultural workers in recovering from an illness, injury or other circumstances causing severe economic and personal hardship.

A career in the entertainment industry seems like a dream come true for many people. The all too frequent reality is that entertainment professionals face a precarious livelihood after years spent perfecting and practicing their crafts. The Fund believes that the risks that Canadian artists take as they create some of the finest live and recorded productions in the world should be recognized, valued and supported by all Canadians.

The AFC is a registered charity that has paid out over $4.5 million in rent payments, grocery money, utility payments and other basic living expenses in the last 10 years. Performers, creators, technical staff and other production team members can benefit from the Fund, which receives no government funding and is wholly sustained by support from individuals and entertainment industry organizations.