Professional Writers Association of Canada (Freelance)


In 1976, a group of freelance writers began to meet to discuss ways of improving working conditions and rates for writers in Canada’s magazine and newspaper industries. Their discussions led to the foundation of the Periodical Writers Association of Canada (PWAC), a nation-wide non-profit organization that has played a leading role in the industry ever since.

In 2005, PWAC became the Professional Writers Association of Canada, reflecting the broader professional interests of approximately 600 members across the country.

You name it, PWAC members write it: magazine and newspaper articles, books, speeches, newsletters, media releases, white papers, annual reports, advertising and brochure copy, sales and marketing material, Web content, training manuals, film scripts, radio and television documentaries, and much more.

PWAC’s Mandate

  • Develop and maintain professional standards in editor-writer and client-writer relationships.
  • Encourage higher industry standards and fees for all types of freelance writing.
  • Offset the isolation felt among freelance writers by providing networking opportunities, regular meetings and the chance for writers to share their experiences online and in person.
  • Assist members in finding new business opportunities.
  • Provide professional development workshops and materials for members across the country.
  • Lobby for freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Canada.