Questions for Candidates

The SAA’s November election door-step kit with information on the arts and questions for candidates.

If support of the arts is one of your interests in the provincial election, here are suggested questions that may be of assistance to find out what candidate's personal views are on the arts and creative industries when they approach you. Whenever possible, try to relate the questions to your own experience and that of your community.

Click here for interesting facts about the arts and creative industries.

The Arts Define Us

The arts give depth and meaning to our lives. The arts celebrate our humanity, broaden our horizons and demonstrate our openness. They are a civic right and a beacon for our future.

Public investment in the arts is as valuable to our economy as investment in any other resource.

Enlightened government policy and investment is critical to a thriving arts and creative industries sector.

    Questions for Your Candidates

    Investments as part of Saskatchewan's economic strategy

    What measures do you propose to enhance arts and culture as a component of a provincial economic strategy?

    Do you support increasing the budget of the Saskatchewan Arts Board? If so, to what level and over what time frame? Do you support maintaining the status of the Arts Board as an arms-length agency?

    What do you propose to do for the development of markets for Saskatchewan arts and cultural products?

      Investments in Saskatchewan's communities and citizens

      What do you propose to do to improve the fiscal conditions and social safety net available to self-employed artists?

      Will you preserve the unique system of Saskatchewan Lotteries as a community-based fundraiser that supports arts and cultural activity?

      What do you propose to do to improve training opportunities in all the arts disciplines at the post-secondary level?

      What fiscal measures do you propose in order to maintain and develop the arts infrastructure: the art galleries, performance centres, and other cultural centres?